
Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova

CEC specifies voting procedures for second round of Moldovan presidential election of 15 November 2020


While organizing the second round of election of the president of Moldova that is due on 15 November 2020, the Central Electoral Commission provides the following details of the process.

While organizing the second round of election of the president of Moldova that is due on 15 November 2020, the Central Electoral Commission provides the following details of the process.

Declarations on the new place of stay filed with local public authorities will be valid in the second round of 15 November 2020. A declarations on the new place is an application filed by a voting citizen who wishes to announce their place of stay on Election Day.

Requests for voting at the place of stay (using the mobile ballot box) can be submitted by 14 November 2020, 6:00 p.m. On 15 November, requests may be submitted only until 3:00 p.m. The electoral bureau receives all the requests and based on them makes a voter list for those will vote at the place of stay. Based on this list, two members of the bureau go to addresses specified by requesting persons who are thus the only ones allowed to vote at their place of stay. Requests submitted before the first round shall not be valid in the second round.

A voter who wishes to vote at a different polling station or in a different location shall submit a request to the precinct electoral bureau of their district of residence, presenting their ID to prove their right to vote at the respective polling station, and receive their certificate with the right to vote. With this certificate they can vote at any polling station in Moldova. Certificate with the right to vote issued for the first round shall not be valid in the second round.

Voting high school and college students who do not have a permanent or temporary residence at their place of study will vote during the presidential election under the general rules. Respectively, they either vote at the polling station according to their place of permanent or temporary valid or request an absentee ballot.