
Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova

The legal aspects regarding the implementation of the Internet voting process discussed within the Interinstitutional Working Group created by the CEC


The members of the group for the development of the concept and action plan regarding the digitalization of the electoral process and  piloting of electronic voting as an alternative voting method discussed and analyzed the legal aspects regarding the implementation of the Internet voting process. The meeting was organized online today, February 10.

The members of the group for the development of the concept and action plan regarding the digitalization of the electoral process and  piloting of electronic voting as an alternative voting method discussed and analyzed the legal aspects regarding the implementation of the Internet voting process. The meeting was organized online today, February 10.

The debates focused on the need to respect the citizen's right to vote and the secrecy of the vote, the equality of electronic and paper voting, as well as ensuring the security of the voting process.

During the meeting, several procedural elements regarding electronic voting were addressed from the perspective of legal regulation. Thus, participants referred to multiple voting, role and involvement of EMBs in the processes, ballot papers counting methods, the Voters’ Lists used and the election observation mechanism.

Reference was also made to the experience of other states and the possibility of transferring good practices regarding the legal regulation of electronic voting.

At the same time, the recommendations of the Council of Europe will be taken into account regarding remote voting in uncontrolled spaces, the possibility of public supervision of i-voting, the existence of independent channels to ensure the verification of voting, the necessary human and material resources.

At the end of the meeting, the participants agreed to come up with further proposals, depending on the competences held, in order to achieve a common concept of legal regulation of internet voting.

At the next meeting of the Working Group, aspects regarding ensuring security in the implementation of internet voting are to be analyzed and discussed.

We remind you that during the previous meetings, the concept and action plan regarding the digitalization of the electoral process and the piloting of electronic voting as an alternative voting method were developed. In the same way, the method of identifying the voter by digital means was analyzed.