
Official page

Central Electoral Commission

of the Republic of Moldova

Constitutional referendum and presidential elections in 23 days

Composition of the CEC 2021-2026

  • 22463

 CARAMAN Angelica – Chairperson of the Central Electoral Commission (decision of the Central Electoral Commission no. 1/2021 on the election of the President of the Central Electoral Commission)

Education and training:

2007 – 2011 - State University of Moldova, Faculty of Law, qualification: bachelor's degree in law;

1989 – 1995 - "Ion Creanga" State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Philology, qualification: professor of Romanian language and literature.

2015 – 2017 - State University of Moldova, Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences, Master in political and electoral management;

2000 – 2002 - Academy of Public Administration attached to the President of the Republic of Moldova, Master's degree in theory and practice of public administration.

Professional experience:

 December 15, 2019 – September 17, 2021 - Councilor of the Mayor, Stăuceni Commune Hall, Chișinău municipality

 May 02, 2018 – December 14, 2019 - Deputy Director, Center for Continuous Training in the Electoral Field attached to the Central Electoral Commission

 December 19, 2016 – April 27, 2018 - Secretary of the Ghidighici Local Council, Ghidighici village, Chișinău municipality.

 October 13, 2014 – December 07, 2014 - Member of the Electoral Council of Chișinău Municipal Constituency no. 1 (temporary activity);

April – October 2014 - Trainer in the electoral field, Center for Continuous Training in the Electoral Field under the CEC (CICDE), on a contractual basis

 January 03, 2012 – October 07, 2013 - Head of the Election Management Division, Central Electoral Commission;

 2002 – 2011 - Secretary of the Pretura of the sector Center, Chișinău;

1998 – 2002 - Main specialist, public administration department, Pretura of the Center sector, Chișinău;

1998 - Coordinating specialist, Socio-humanitarian Directorate of Chișinău City Hall, specialist in compliance with language legislation;

1996 – 1997 - Lecturer, by cumulation, "Ion Creangă" State Pedagogical University;

1995 – 1998 - Coordinating specialist, public administration department, Pretura of the Centru sector, Chișinău municipality.


Languages spoken: Romanian language (mother tongue), Russian (fluent), English (intermediate), French (read, translate with the dictionary)


 POSTICA PAVEL - Deputy Chairman of the Central Electoral Commission (decision of the Central Electoral Commission no. 26/2021 on the election of the Vice-President and Secretary of the Central Electoral Commission)

 Born on 30.03.1978

Education and training:

2003 – 2004 - Master in Law, "Stefan cel Mare" Police Academy, Chișinău, Criminal Procedural Law Specialty

1995 – 2000 - Bachelor's degree, "Stefan cel Mare" Police Academy, Chișinău, Legal profile, specialty law, qualification of lawyer

Professional experience:

May 2000 – May 2004 - Criminal investigator and criminal investigation officer within the Ciocana sector police commissariat in Chișinău, a subdivision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

May 2004 – July 2005 - Senior criminal investigation officer within the Ciocana sector police commissariat in Chișinău, a subdivision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

July 2005 – February 2006 - Deputy Chief of the Criminal Investigation Section within the Ciocana Sector Police Commissariat in Chișinău, a subdivision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

February 2006 – December 2011 – Lawyer, Promo-LEX Association

January 2012 – March 2021 - Program Director, Promo-LEX Association's Democratic Process Monitoring Program

March 2021 – September 2021 - Development and Evaluation Manager, Promo-LEX Association


Languages spoken: Romanian – native, Russian – fluent, English – beginner.


DANA MUNTEANU – Secretary of the Central Electoral Commission (starting with April, 2024 )

(decision of the Central Electoral Commission no. 2483/2024 on the election of the Secretary of the Central Electoral Commission)

Member of the Central Electoral Commission (starting with December, 2022)

Born on 27.03.1990

Education and training:

2008 - 2012Bachelor of Law, specialization in constitutional law and administrative law, State University of Moldova, Faculty of Law;

2012 – 2014Master degree in Law, Academy of Economic Studies of the Republic of Moldova. 


Professional experience:

2016 – present – deputy head of the Election Management Division, Central Electoral Commission;

2012 – 2014consultant, Central Electoral Commission;

2014 – 2016 – senior consultant, Central Electoral Commission.


Languages spoken: Romanian – mother tongueRussian  –  level B2 , English  – C1.

POSTOLACHE VASILE – Member of the Central Electoral Commission

Born on 04.02.1984

Education and training:


2015 - 2016 - Changsha University of Science&Techhnology, International College, Chinese Language and Culture

2012-2013 – Psycho-pedagogical module, State University of Moldova

2011-2013 – Master in International Economic Relations, State University of Moldova

2003-2007 – Bachelor's degree in economic law, Academy of Economic Studies of the Republic of Moldova

1999 – 2003 - Theoretical Lyceum "V. Alecsandri", or. Chisinau

Professional experience:

2003 – 2019 - Private sector (catering, logistics) manager, administrator


Languages spoken: English - good; Russian language - fluent; Chinese language – intermediate


VANGHELII TEODORA  - Member of the Central Electoral Commission

Born 12.02.1991

Education and training:

2013 – 2015 – Free International University of Moldova, Faculty of Law, Master's degree in private law institutions

2009 – 2013 - Free International University of Moldova, Faculty of Law, qualification: bachelor of law

2006 – 2009 – Colicăuți Theoretical High School, com. Colicăuți, Briceni district.



Professional experience:

August 2021 – present – adviser in the Cabinet of the President of the Faction within the Secretariat of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

January 2021 – present - senior consultant, Secretariat of the Public Administration Commission, Secretariat of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova;

2019 – 2021 – Adviser in the Cabinet of the Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova within the Secretariat of the Parliament

2015 – 2019 – Counselor in the Cabinet of the President of the Faction within the Secretariat of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

2013 – 2014 – assistant to the Member of the Parliament's Secretariat;

2010 – 2013 – administrator of Lebedinschii&Co LLC


Languages spoken: State language - native; Russian language – fluent; English – A1; French – A1


TATIANA BARBUROŞ - Member of the Central Electoral Commission (starting with March, 2023)

Born on: 22.08.1984

Education and Training:

2007 - 2011 – Moldova State University, Faculty of Law;

2005 - 2006 - Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Moldova, Master's Degree, Specialization: Public Administration;

2001 - 2005 - Lower Danube University from Galati, Cahul Branch, Faculty of History, Philology and Administrative Sciences, Specialization: Public Administration;

1998 - 2001 - Theoretical High School "Vasile Alecsandri", Chisinau.


Professional experience:

04.05.2021 – 02.03.2023 - Main Adviser, Public Administration Division, State Chancellery;

19.11.2019 – 30.04.2021 – Head of State Controls Oversight Section, Legal and State Controls Oversight Division, State Chancellery;

02.01.2019 – 18.11.2019 - Main Adviser, Public Administration Division, State Chancellery; 

29.11.2018 – 31.12.2018 - Main Adviser, Government Acts of the Center for Harmonization of Legislation Division, State Chancellery;

02.01.2017 – 28.11.2018 - Main Adviser, Legal Expertise Division, State Chancellery;

21.09.2015 – 31.12.2016 - Deputy Head of the Legal Division, State Chancellery;

19.11.2012 – 18.09.2015 - Main Specialist, Chisinau Territorial Office of the State Chancellery;

15.03.2010 - 18.11.2012 – Senior Adviser (lawyer), Chisinau Territorial Office of the State Chancellery.


Spoken Languages: Romanian language – mother tongue, Russian language (B1/B2), French language (B1/B2), English language ((B1/B2).

VADIM FILIPOV - Member of the Central Electoral Commission (starting with December, 2023)

Born on December 2, 1986 in Dubasari City, Dubasari Rayon, Republic of Moldova

Education and academic training:

2009-2011 – Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Faculty of Law, qualification: Master in Law;

2005-2009 - Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Faculty of Law, qualification – Bachelor of Law.


Professional experience:

2011 - present – Lawyer, Lawyer’s Office ”Filipov Vadim”;

2017 - 2021 - Member of the Central Electoral Commission;

2015-2017 – Councilor, Chisinau City Council

2015 – part time adviser of the Parliamentary Faction of Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova;

2010 – 2011 – Junior Lawyer, Lawyer’s Office ”Cazanir Vitalie”;

2009 – 2010 – Legal adviser, ”Agromașina” JSC.

RITA LEFTER-SIMAȘCO - Member of the Central Electoral Commission (starting with March, 2024)

Born on: 24.10.1988

Education and Training:

2011 - 2013 - Moldova State University, Faculty of Law, Master Degree in Law, Specialization: Criminal Law;

2012-2013 - Moldova State University, Psychopedagogy Module;

2007-2011 - Moldova State University, Faculty of Law, qualification – Bachelor of Law.

Professional experience:

May 2023 – March 2024 – Head of Cabinet of the Chairperson of Parliamentary Faction, Secretariat of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova;

September 2021- May 2023 – Adviser in the Cabinet of the Parliamentary Faction, Secretariat of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova;

September 2020 - September 2021- Main Specialist, General Department of Economy, Trade and Tourism, Chisinau Municipal Council;

December 2011 - September2020 - Main Specialist, General Department of Economy, Reforms and Property Relations, Chisinau Municipal Council;


Spoken Languages: Romanian language – mother tongue, Russian Language (B1/B2), French Language (B1/B2), English Language (A2)

MIRCEA CATÎRĂU - Member of the Central Electoral Commission (starting with June, 2024)

Born on 30.04.1984

Education and Training:

2022 – Ministry of Finance, Professional Qualification Certificate on Internal Audit in the Public Sector;

2022 – Ministry of Finance, Knowledge Evaluation Certificate, Training Program on Internal Audit in the Public Sector, corresponding to advance level;

2005-2008 - „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iași, România, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Professional Experience:

April 2023 - June 2024 – Deputy Head, Public Policies Coordination Division, Ministry of Finance;

September 2022 - April 2023 – Main Internal Auditor, Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development;

May 2022 - September 2022 – Main Advisor, Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development;

March 2013 - March 2019 - Rental Sales Agent, Avis Budget Belgium, Bruxelles, Belgium;

June 2011 - March 2013 - Adviser, Ministry of Finance.

Spoken Language: Romanian Language – mother tongue, Russian Language – (C2/B2), French Language (C1/B2), English Language (B2)


 GURDUZA Sergiu - Member of the Central Electoral Commission (September 2023 - February 2023 )

 Born on 14 April 1985, Sîngerei district, Chișcăreni village.

Education and training:

2008 – 2010 - Master in Law, specialization Civil Law, State University of Moldova, Faculty of Law

2004 – 2008 - Bachelor of Law, specialization International Law, State University of Moldova, Faculty of Law 

 Professional experience:

August 2021 – present - Adviser to the Cabinet of the Speaker of the Parliament

June 2016 - September 2021 - Member of the Central Electoral Commission

October 2015 - February 2016 - Member of the College of the National Anticorruption Center

September 2015 - November 2015 - Senior State Adviser to the Prime Minister in the field of justice, legislation and the fight against corruption

March 2015 - August 2015 - Deputy Minister of Justice, Ministry of Justice

October 2015 - November 2015 - Member of the Governmental Commission for the selection of candidates for the position of judge at the Constitutional Court on behalf of the Government

January 2013 - May 2014 - Secretary of the Governmental Commission for the Selection of Representatives of State Interests in Foreign Courts and International Arbitration Institutions

April 2013 - May 2014 - Senior Consultant in the Contentious Directorate, Directorate-General for Government Agent, Ministry of Justice

December 2009 - March 2013 - Senior specialist / consultant / senior consultant / interim head within the Section / Service for relations with the Parliament and the Constitutional Court, Ministry of Justice

June 2014 - February 2015/ December 2015 - August 2016 - Internship in law, Associated Law Office "Faculty of Law"

May 2018 – present - Associate member, Association for Participatory Democracy "ADEPT"

October 2018 - August 2020 - Trainer at the "International Republican Institute" (IRI), representative office in Moldova

September 2012 - February 2017 - Executive Director, A.O. "Center for Legislative Consultancy"


Languages spoken: Romanian, English, Russian

MUSTEAȚA ALEXANDRU – Member of the Central Electoral Commission (September 2021 - June 2022)

Born on 30.03.1988

Education and training:

September 2020 – June 2021 – Master's degree in Political Science, Specialization: European Politics and Governance – College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium;

October 2018 – December 2018 – Advanced Program in Economics and European Law – Riga Graduate School of Law, Latvia;

September 2011 –June 2013 – Master's degree in Political Science, Specialization: National Security – University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova;

September 2007 – June 2010 – Bachelor's degree in Political Science, Specialization: European studies - "Perspectiva-INT" University, Moldova.


Professional experience:

December 2018 – July 2020 - Chisinau, Moldova, Director, Good Governance Department - SOROS Foundation - Moldova;

January 2017 – December 2018 - Chisinau, Moldova, Project Director - SOROS Foundation - Moldova;

January 2013 – December 2016 - Chisinau, Moldova, Program Coordinator - SOROS Foundation - Moldova;

October 2010 – December 2012 - Chisinau, Moldova, General Secretary – National Youth Council of Moldova;

May 2010 – October 2012 - Chisinau, Moldova, affiliated expert - NATO Information and Documentation Center in the Republic of Moldova;

February 2009 – May 2010 - Chisinau, Moldova, project manager - National Youth Council of Moldova; 

Spoken languages: Romanian language, English language, Russian language, French language.


 ENCIU LILIAN -  Member of the Central Electoral Commission (October 2021 - July 2023 )

 Born on 30.06.1991

Education and training:

2013-2015 - University of European Studies of Moldova, Faculty of Law, Master in Constitutional Law

2009 – 2013 - University of European Studies of Moldova, Faculty of Law, Bachelor of Law

2003 - 2009 - Theoretical Lyceum "Princess Natalia Dadiani", or. Chisinau




Professional experience:

March 02, 2020 - June 26, 2021 - Legal Adviser to the President of the Parliament, Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

February 01, 2019 - March 02, 2020 - Head of the Public Law Section of the Legal Directorate, Apparatus of the President of the Republic of Moldova

January 11, 2016 - February 01, 2019 - Senior Consultant, Legislation Department of the General Department for Law, Apparatus of the President of the Republic of Moldova

November 1, 2015 - June 1, 2016 - Lecturer, Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of European Studies of Moldova

2015 – 2016 - Senior Consultant, Policy Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation Service / Consultant, Revenue and Property Control Department, National Integrity Commission

2013 – 2015 – Jurisconsult (aspects of commercial law), LLC "Vadalex - Agro"


Languages spoken: Romanian – mother tongue; Russian language - fluent; English – level B2; French – level A2


LUPAȘCO Ludmila - Member of the Central Electoral Commission (September 2021 - February 2024 )

 Born on 29.04.1984 in Cimișlia, Republic of Moldova.

Education and training:

2012 – 2015 - Academy of Public Administration, master's degree in constitutional law and administrative law

2002 – 2006 - State University of Moldova, bachelor's degree in law, specialization – criminal law

1999 – 2002 - Theoretical High School within the Pedagogical College "Alexei Mateevici", Chisinau

 Professional experience:

October 2006 – January 2009 - lawyer, State Tax Inspectorate of Cimișlia district

February 2009 – January 2014 - consultant/head of the Legal Department within the Apparatus of the Central Electoral Commission

January 2014 – July 2016 - Head of the Election Management Directorate, CEC Apparatus

August 2016 – December 2017 - Head of the Central Electoral Commission Apparatus

December 2017 – March 2018 - Senior Inspector of the Legal Assistance Section of the Legal Division, State Tax Service

March 2018 – April 2020 - lawyer, Legal Department, BC "Moldova-Agroindbank" S.A.

April 2020 – present - Principal Consultant/Deputy Head of the Legal Directorate, Apparatus of the President of the Republic of Moldova


Languages spoken: Romanian – native, Russian – advanced level, English – intermediate level


 BERLINSCHII ALEXANDR - Secretary of the Central Electoral Commission (September 2021 - April 2024 )

(decision of the Central Electoral Commission no. 26/2021 on the election of the Vice-President and Secretary of the Central Electoral Commission)

 Born on 27 April 1988, Antoneşti commune, Cantemir district

Education and training:

 2007-2010 - Faculty of International Relations Political and Administrative Sciences, State University of Moldova, qualification: bachelor's degree in Political Science

 2010-2012 - Faculty of Law, Free International University of Moldova, qualification: Master in Criminal Law

 2014 - Military Academy of Armed Forces "Alexandru cel Bun", qualification: training courses in the field of Security and National Defense

 Professional experience:

 2016- present - Head of the Elections Management Division, Central Electoral Commission

 2014-2016 - Deputy Head of the Elections Management Division, Central Electoral Commission

 2010-2014 - main specialist, public administration department, Pretura of the Center sector, Chișinău 


Languages spoken: Romanian – native, Russian – fluent