
Official page

Central Electoral Commission

of the Republic of Moldova

Constitutional referendum and presidential elections in 31 days

The Central Electoral Commission will share with the National Bureau of Statistics the best practices for managing the organizational processes for conducting elections

  • 16.12.2021
  • 5801
  • 0

Today, the leadership of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) and the Center for Continuous Electoral Training met with representatives of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The purpose of the event was to establish mechanisms for inter-institutional cooperation, by conducting an exchange of good practices and experience on the part of organizing elections and censuses in our country.

The topic of discussions was the preparation for the 2024 Population and Housing Census, as well as ensuring an inclusive election process.

The President of the Commission, Angelica Caraman mentioned that the success of organizing in the best conditions an activity with such complexity and magnitude as the elections involves several factors: efficient planning, well-trained staff, and the provision of material resources, as well as techniques to streamline the process.

The Director of the NBS, Oleg Cara, welcomed the opening of the CEC for sharing best practices in organizing and administering the electoral process at all stages. The CEC's experience in managing elected human resources, information systems and operational processes, as well as information and civic education campaigns is important for the institution it represents.

The officials agreed to continue working together to create a synergy of the activities of the CEC and the NBS, which will increase the effect of the objectives set by using the set of resources and experience that each institution has.