
Official page

Central Electoral Commission

of the Republic of Moldova

Constitutional referendum and presidential elections in 49 days

CEC denounces violent actions taking place in Varnita, Anenii Noi

  • 15.11.2020
  • 6357
  • 0

The Central Electoral Commission is critical about violent actions in Varnita, Anenii Noi region, which involve local residents and members of the Forta Veteranilor movement who are trying to undermine the election process.

We regret that access to the polling station was blocked and that law enforcement authorities had to interfere in the conflict to ensure the participation in elections of persons living on the left bank of the Dniester River.

We are calling for order and tolerance. We point out that any hindrance to the freedoms and rights of other people is against the Moldovan law. Obstruction of the right to vote could lead to administrative and criminal penalty.

The Commission is taking actions, within the limit of its powers, to secure the right and ability to vote for every Moldovan citizen, including those residing on the territories which are beyond the sovereign control of Moldovan authorities.