CEC established the monthly amount of subvensions allocated from the state budget to political parties for 2022

  • 18.01.2022
  • 2317
  • 0

The Central Electoral Commission established the monthly amount of subventions from the state budget, to be allocated to political parties for the year 2022. By the State Budget Law for the current year, the Commission was allocated 0.1% of the state budget revenues that represent 42 million 31 thousand lei for the financing of political parties. This amount is higher by about 8 million lei compared to 2021, and the increase is due to the growth in the revenues to the state budget.

According to art. 27 of the Law on political parties, the amount of subventions is distributed as follows:

- 30% each to the political parties proportionally to the performances obtained in the Parliamentary and General Local Elections;

- 15% to political parties proportionally to the performances obtained in the Presidential Elections;

- 7.5% to political parties proportionally to the number of women actually elected in the Parliamentary and Local Elections;

- 5% each to the political parties proportionally to the number of young people actually elected in the parliamentary and local elections.

Thus, within the limit of the total allocated budget, by the decision approved by the CEC, the amount of the monthly subsidy was established in proportion to the electoral performances obtained by the political parties, as follows:

- for each valid vote cast in the Early Parliamentary Elections of July 11, 2021 - 0.71 lei;

- for each valid vote cast in the General Local Elections of October 20, 2019 - 0.36 lei;

- for each woman actually elected in the Early Parliamentary Elections of July 11, 2021 - 6567.34 lei;

- for each woman actually elected in the General Local Elections of October 20, 2019 - 63.77 lei;

- for each young person actually elected in the Early Parliamentary Elections of July 11, 2021 - 10,945.57 lei.

- for each young person actually elected in the General Local Elections of October 20, 2019 - 103.68 lei.

At the same time, as a result of the process of supervising the reports on the financial management of political parties for the first semester of 2021, but also within the activity of supervising the incomes and expenses of electoral competitors in the electoral campaign for the New Local Elections of November 21, 2021, of some political parties, complementary sanctions were applied to them in the form of deprivation of allowances from the state budget for a certain period of time. Thus, based on previously approved decisions, the Commission suspends the payment of the subsidy from the state budget to the "NOI" Political Party, the Labor People's Party, the Liberal Party for the period January - June 2022, to the "Şor" Political Party for the period January - December 2022, and to the Political Party Party Building Europe at Home "PACE" and the Political Party People's Party from the Republic of Moldova - until reaching the amount of 30 thousand lei and 12 thousand lei, respectively.

The subventions allocated from the state budget will be transferred, monthly, to the bank accounts opened for this purpose by the political parties.