
Official page

Central Electoral Commission

of the Republic of Moldova

Constitutional referendum and presidential elections in 23 days

CEC organized an international BRIDGE training course

  • 27.06.2022
  • 3741
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On June 24-26, 2022, the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), with the support of the Council of Europe, held an international electoral administration course BRIDGE with the topic "Cyber ​​Security and Disinformation". The beneficiaries of the training were CEC members and officials, representatives of CICDE and members of the Electoral Commission of UTA Gagauz.

The aim of the seminar was to help electoral bodies understand what cyber security and disinformation mean for their institutions, to provide them with support for better interaction with other actors in the cyber security space, as well as to know how to protect the electoral process from influence and the interference of negative actors.

In the working groups, participants discussed information technology security issues, explored a range of cyber security threats that can have an impact on the organization of election events and on the integrity of elections results, reviewed the executive guidelines on the use of ICT security practices, investigated the issues that have an impact on the security of the electoral process through IT and analyzed various tactics and strategies to strategies to address and combat disinformation in elections.