CEC totals the results of the early parliamentary elections of July 11, 2021

  • 19.07.2021
  • 5184
  • 0

In accordance with the approved minutes of the totalization of the results of the early parliamentary elections, the Commission found that the number of voters included in the basic electoral lists is 2,768,035, the number of voters included in the supplementary lists is 284,568, and the total number of votes participating in the elections is 1,480,965. Voter turnout is 52.30%, which is more than 1/3 of the voter turnout. In this way, the CEC considered the early parliamentary elections of July 11, 2021, to be valid.

According to the validly cast votes obtained by the electoral contestants and, based on the provisions of the electoral legislation, three electoral contestants passed the minimum threshold of representation - the Political Party "Action and Solidarity Party", the Electoral Bloc of Communists and Socialists, and the Political Party "Șor". Approving the decreasing number of validly expressed votes obtained by these candidates, the CEC established the number of seats in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova for them, as follows:

Political Party „Action and Solidarity Party - 63 seats;

Electoral bloc of Communists and Socialists - 32 seats;

"Șor" Political Party - 6 seats.

In this context, the members of the Commission decided to assign the seats for 101 deputies in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova to the electoral contestants according to the election results and declared alternate candidates for the position of the deputy who were not elected according to the results of the given election.

Also today, the CEC approved the Report on the results of the early parliamentary elections of July 11, 2021.

Following today's session, the Commission will present to the Constitutional Court, in order to confirm the results, the minutes of the total results of the elections, the list of deputies for the validation of seats, the lists of candidates declared deputies and the report of the Commission on the results of early parliamentary elections of July 11, 2021.