
Official page

Central Electoral Commission

of the Republic of Moldova

Constitutional referendum and presidential elections in 23 days

Electoral dispute resolution under the Council of Europe instruments and ECHR practice

  • 17.09.2020
  • 2163
  • 0

The seminar dedicated to judges and Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova themed ‘Electoral dispute resolution under the instruments of the Council of Europe and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)’ is conducted between 17 and 18 September.

The event is attended by judges, Central Electoral Commission members and staff, as well as Council of Europe electoral experts.

Participants are currently discussing two introductory modules targeting international standards and principles of democratic elections at applied at regional level and worldwide, addressing the ECHR jurisprudence on electoral disputes through the perspective of Eastern Partnership countries. The other module is directly linked to the overall presentation of the Moldovan normative framework on the principles of election organisation and electoral administration.

Tomorrow, 18 September, national experts will deepen topics mentioned above including several particular issues regarding the competence of electoral disputes resolution by electoral bodies, the peculiarities of the review and resolution of electoral disputes, as well as the jurisprudence practice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova and Courts specialized in Administrative Litigation.

Note that the seminar is organized in cooperation with the Council of Europe and is part of ‘Improving electoral practice in the Republic of Moldova’ project.