"Implementation of Internet voting in the Republic of Moldova: piloting and testing stages" - topic of discussion with the Moldova State University students

  • 21.02.2023
  • 1664
  • 0

The subject of the implementation of internet voting in the Republic of Moldova was the theme of a public event, organized today by the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections, in partnership with the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) and the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences of the Moldova State University (MSU).

Present at the event, the Chairperson of the Central Electoral Commission, Angelica Caraman, mentioned that the implementation of alternative voting methods has become more than an objective of the electoral authority, it is a necessity of the whole society. In the recent years, the organization of elections was characterized by a series of changes in order to implement information technologies. The digitalization of the electoral process began with more determined steps in 2008, when the Law on the SIAS Concept "Elections" was adopted, which provided for the creation of an integrated IT system for the management of elections. If in 2014 the development of SAIS "Elections" began with the State Register of Voters module, today there are already 15 modules, and in the coming period, CEC intends to launch new functionalities, including the Internet Voting module.

The discussions were a good opportunity to familiarize the students with the activity of the CEC and the inter-institutional working group for the development and piloting of the Internet Voting Information System, aimed to identify the best solutions for piloting this alternative voting method. "Having the Concept of the internet voting system, we are at the stage of developing the specifications that we will present, in a public event, on the 3 of March. Subsequently, will be contracted the company responsible for developing the software ", noted Angelica Caraman.

As the organization of the electoral process with the use of internet voting goes beyond the exclusive responsibility of the Central Electoral Commission, the Chairwoman of the CEC pointed out that the implementation of this voting method will be a joint effort of the authorities, aimed to facilitate the exercise of the right to vote for all citizens of the Republic of Moldova.