
Official page

Central Electoral Commission

of the Republic of Moldova

Constitutional referendum and presidential elections in 23 days

Latvia is ready to share with Moldova the experience of implementing alternative voting methods

  • 13.10.2021
  • 2263
  • 0

The leadership of the Central Electoral Commission received today a visit from HE Uldis Mikuts, the Ambassador of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova. The diplomat congratulated the new members of the Commission for this term, but also for the recent election of Angelica Caraman as President of the Association of European Election Officers.

Officials discussed the work of the central electoral authority in the context of established and publicly announced priorities: the analysis of electoral legislation and the implementation of alternative voting methods that will increase the accessibility of electoral processes. In this way, the members of the CEC welcomed the openness of the interlocutors who expressed their willingness, on behalf of the state authorities, to share Latvia's experience in the use of voting by mail.

Another topic addressed during the meeting was to ensure the transparency of the financing of political parties and election campaigns. The CEC of the Republic of Moldova is interested in Latvia's experience in preventing and combating illegal and non-transparent financing of political parties. The positive developments in this area by the authorities are largely due to the cooperation with the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau of the Republic of Latvia. The parties mentioned that this visit reconfirms the cooperation commitments established by the CEC of the Republic of Moldova and the CEC of the Republic of Latvia, confirmed by the cooperation agreement concluded in Riga in 2006.