Central Electoral Commission dismisses charges about failure to comply with the legal provisions related to electoral campaign financing

  • 16.09.2020
  • 2976
  • 0

Provisions of Article 1 of the Electoral Code establish that the status of electoral competitor in the Parliamentary and General Local Elections is the party and the electoral bloc that nominated candidates to elective offices. In Presidential Elections, only the person designated to run for President of the Republic of Moldova has the status of electoral competitor. Under these conditions, the political party and the electoral bloc do not identify themselves with the candidate, and any financial support by a political party to the appointed candidate is made with full respect of conditions applicable to the legal entity, within the established ceiling of 12 average monthly salaries for the current year.

Note that, in 2016 Presidential Elections, the candidate for head of state position also had a different identity from the party and electoral bloc, but the donation ceiling at that stage was much higher, up to 400 average monthly salaries.

Also note that ceilings for the financial support given to political parties and electoral campaigns were reduced by amending the electoral legislation, in August 2019, at the initiative of the political party that today comes with unfounded accusations against CEC.

According to the draft law amending the Electoral Code (draft law no. 263/2020), CEC proposed granting the status of electoral competitor to political parties and electoral blocs that nominated candidates.

In addition, declarations according to which donations can only be made starting with 1 October are false. The account with the mention ‘Electoral fund’ may also be opened until the registration of the electoral competitor, provided that any receipts and expenses from this account are made only after the registration of the electoral competitor. In this regard, we mention that the two electoral competitors, already registered with CEC, can open a bank account, receive donations and perform spending.