
Official page

Central Electoral Commission

of the Republic of Moldova

Constitutional referendum and presidential elections in 35 days

National observers

Bodies responsible for accrediting observers are Central Electoral Commission and District Electoral Councils.

Central Electoral Commission (CEC) accredits:

  • international observers (and registers for them, upon request, interpreters);
  • national observers from NGOs;
  • one national observer from each electoral competitor, in every polling station opened abroad.

District Electoral Council of second level accredits:

  • national observers from NGOs;
  • one national observer from each electoral competitor, in every polling station from the respective district.

Necessary documents for accreditation

The application for accreditation as a national observer shall include:

  • an official letter, in original copy, from the institution requesting the accreditation;
  • list of persons proposed for accreditation, filled according to the template from the Annex no. 1 from the Regulation on the statute of observers and procedure for their accreditation;
  • the copy of valid ID card or the copy of temporary ID card (for RM citizens) or valid passport copy (for foreigners);
  • accreditation form of the international observer, completed by every person nominated by the institution;
  • NGOs will present the copy of the charter/statute, as well as the copy of the certificate of registration issued by the competent body. The national NGOs will present also the copy of the extract from the State Register of Non-commercial Organizations issued at most 6 months prior to the date of presentation


e-mail: info@cec.md; fax: + 373 22 234 047

Incomplete files will be rejected.

The deadline for submitting applications for accreditation as an observer is 7 days until the day of the elections.