The Central Electoral Commission announces the official start of the election campaign

  • 06.10.2023
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Today, October 6, the election campaign starts for the general local election of November 5, 2023. During the following period of pre-election campaigning each candidate will try to convince voters to cast their votes in his/her favor.

A genuine democracy is election-based, and the general local election is a direct manifestation of it. Electoral officials of the Central Electoral Commission, constituency electoral commissions and electoral commissions at polling stations will do their best to ensure that the election is free, fair and inclusive. However, the effort of the electoral bodies will not be enough unless candidates behave in a manner that complies with the law and international election standards.

The Central Electoral Commission commits candidates, including their representatives and trusted persons, to not allow violations and to make sure their campaigning actions and speeches are within the legal framework and in line with democratic values and principles. The political competition should not serve hidden interests and should not resort to methods of obtaining voter support that circumvent the law. The fairness shown by candidates in the general local election of November 5, 2023 will also be an expression of the respect they have for the voters, other candidates and the society as a whole. The entire election campaign will be guided by the rule that the voters' choice must be conscious and free. 

At the same time, the Central Electoral Commission calls on citizens to report any abuses by the persons involved in the election and any violations of legal provisions that they may notice. It is only through involvement that will we succeed in combating any attempts to compromise the free, fair and inclusive nature of the general local election of November 5, 2023.

The Commission calls on media outlets and observers to report any actions affecting the conduct of a democratic election so that these can be prevented or combated in a timely and effective manner.

Democracy matters, and the foundations of democracy can only be laid through elections. Therefore, each of us should contribute to make sure the election of November 5, 2023 is free, fair and inclusive.

Chisinau, October 6, 2023